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MILWAUKEE (Wednesday, April 12) – The March for Science – Milwaukee is pleased to announce 17+ partnering organizations today. Our supporting organizations include local institutions ranging from environmental institutions to citizen action groups. We are thrilled to have so many local organizations that are ready to stand up for science-based policy decisions in government. We are excited to join forces with these organizations and others to increase community engagement in Science Education, Public Health, and Sustainability in Milwaukee communities in the future as the Milwaukee Area Science Advocates (MASA).


Milwaukee Environmental Consortium

“The Milwaukee Environmental Consortium supports the March for Science – Milwaukee because we believe Milwaukeeans are best served by policy makers and politicians who value science and evidence-based research. The MEC is proud to stand by the March for Science on Earth Day as we work together to uphold these values.”

Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM)

“As a scientific and educational institution, the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) presents information supported by scientific research that is grounded in accepted scientific methodology and based on evidence. The museum promotes an understanding of scientific theories and processes. As such, the MPM supports the March for Science in its passion for science and support of the scientific community.”

Compost Crusader

“As a soil science enthusiast and advocate, Compost Crusader strives to collect and share evidence and scientific facts to prove to people that food scraps in the landfill is harmful to our environment and a waste of natural resources.  We believe that there is a direct link between science and nature and rely on the research from universities, government institutions, and other organics diversion companies all over the world to sway local policies that impact our communities.  We stand tall with the science community and work towards strengthen the bond between science and nature.”

Planned Parenthood

As a provider of healthcare and education, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is proud to support the March for Science. Planned Parenthood works every day to provide our patients with the medically accurate, evidence based information they need to take charge of their health. Science plays a key role in our sex education curriculum that empowers young people to make healthy decisions and keeps our communities safe, healthy and strong.

Kompost Kids

“Kompost Kids Inc. makes living soil from food waste by composting it. What sounds like a simple process of decay is in fact based on the accumulated knowledge of millennia of agricultural experiment. We rely on the expertise of chemists, biologists, water scientists, agronomists and obviously soil scientists, as well as a great many other disciplines that touch the soil and the food we eat to guide us. We contribute our data and findings to this disciplines, and work with them to develop best practices.”

“Our mission is to educate the public, individuals, businesses, and institutions about the benefits of compost and to reclaim organic materials from landfills to create soil for community-based agriculture projects. Kompost Kids works to restore Milwaukee’s degraded soils and sustain the ecology of our home. The sciences enable us to nurture the land we love, and so we proudly support the March for Science.”

Urban Ecology Center

“As an organization whose mission is to foster ecological understanding as inspiration for change, science is integral to our work at the Urban Ecology Center.  Evidence-based scientific research forms the basis for what we do, and through many of our programs we seek to help children and adults connect with and contribute to the scientific process.   We believe that science is a powerful tool in creating a more engaged, knowledgeable and ecologically literate community.”

Milwaukee LGBT Community Center

“Milwaukee LGBT Community Center relies on evidence-based research on supporting youth, older adults, and victims of trauma as we design and implement our programs and activities. Science is an important key to who we are as individuals and what we need to grow as happy and healthy people.”

Eco-Justice Center

“We at the Eco-Justice Center believe that science is integral to understanding the web of life and all life systems.  We use hands-on science with our youth as they explore the wonder of compost and renewable energy.”

Milwaukee Riverkeeper

“As a science-based, advocacy organization working for swimmable, fishable water quality in the Milwaukee River Basin, every day, Milwaukee Riverkeeper relies on scientists, science, data, evidence, systematic knowledge, standards and guidance, to restore and protect our rivers and achieve our mission.  Decisions and policies that can impact so many should be based on the best available information and research, discovery and science allows for that to happen.  This war on all disciplines of science is a job-killing approach that will negatively impact, our children, education, public health and the environment for years to come.”

Citizens Acting for Rail Safety (CARS)

“We are a non-partisan grassroots citizens’ organization working for the health, safety, and quality of life of people, communities and the environment threatened by ill-advised rail transportation of dangerous materials.”

“We work to raise the visibility of dangers to our community and to establish citizens’ right to know and participate in decisions about trains carrying dangerous materials through our neighborhoods. Public policy should be based on common sense and scientific analysis.”

“We stand with the March for Science – Milwaukee in supporting scientists and their contributions to the common good.  We join in calling for policy makers and politicians to enact evidence-based policies. Politicians who devalue scientific expertise risk making decisions that do not reflect reality and they must be held accountable.”

Greater Milwaukee Green Party

“The Greater Milwaukee Green Party holds ten key values, one of them being ecological wisdom.  Sustainability is wise, and it is logically necessary to use scientific methods to decipher how to sustain our ecosystem.  Therefore ecological wisdom, understandably, must be based in scientific evidence.  The Green Party understands and supports the need for science-based evidence to keep our ecosystem healthy and safe.”

Southeastern Wisconsin NORML

“Southeastern Wisconsin NORML enthusiastically endorses the March for Science. Given the current political climate that operates in denial of scientific evidence – including the clear evidence supporting the medical benefits of cannabis – we support all initiatives to bring science back into policy making.”

Human Equality Love Project (HELP)

At the Human Equality Love Project, it is our mission to achieve racial, social and environmental justice in our communities both locally and abroad.  Across the United States, indigenous communities, communities of color and low income communities are fighting for social and environmental justice. These communities have been disproportionately affected by problems such as polluting industrial facilities, limited public healthcare, land or natural resource exploitation and restricted access to basics such as healthy food and clean water. Each of these scenarios come with their own set of health impact and safety hazards that HELP hopes to eradicate.”

“We believe science plays a crucial role, in not only solving these problems, but also in helping our communities advocate effectively for access to public healthcare, sustainability and environmental justice.  Using scientific research and data these communities are better able to demand transparency and accountability from policy makers and corporations. By applying science mediums like biology, chemistry and the social sciences to both our social and environmental issues we can learn how to solve, or control, problems like environmental pollution and degradation.  Utilizing alternative energy and medicinal solutions will eventually positively affect the carbon footprint we have on the planet.  For this reason, and a thousand more, the Human Equality Love Project is proud to support the March for Science.

Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers

“The March for Science will occur on April 22nd, 2017 in Washington D.C. and in hundreds of cities throughout the United States, including more than a dozen in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers supports these non-partisan efforts to raise awareness of the importance of science, the process of science, and the value of investing in science research and education.  In addition, We encourage teachers of science to participate in these events.”

“Teachers of science work every day to help our state’s children understand the foundational content of science and the process of science. We believe that evidence-based and publicly available science is a cornerstone of society.  Ethical use of scientific advances have a profoundly positive impact on people.”

People’s Climate Rally

The Milwaukee People’s Climate Rally to Action will take place April 29th from 10am to 4pm at Escuela Verde (3628 W. Pierce St.). The goal is to ENGAGE Milwaukee residents in action on climate issues. There will be speakers, panel discussions, workshops, children’s activities, and a March. The Rally to Action wholeheartedly supports the March for Science.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Racine-Kenosha

“At Citizens’ Climate Lobby Racine-Kenosha, we rely everyday upon science to understand the condition of our home planet. It informs our conversations with our fellow citizens and our Members of Congress. We therefore support preserving the funding and integrity of science.”

Environmental Collaboration Office

“The City of Milwaukee’s Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) develops practical solutions that improve people’s lives and the economy while working to protect and restore the natural ecosystems that support our long-term prosperity. We implement the City’s Refresh Milwaukee sustainability plan and award winning programs as we work to make Milwaukee a world-class eco-city. Our interest in sustaining our local ecology, restoring the Great Lakes, and developing strategies to slow climate change are all rooted in sound science as well as the ethical imperative of protecting our common home.”
“Through collaboration with our local universities, we continue to learn and adapt our strategies based on the latest science, particularly in the area of water through our Water Centric City initiative. We understand that while science is imperfect as are all human activities, applied science and the scientific method provide a proven framework for improving the human condition. Applied science, technology, and engineering are the original basis of Milwaukee’s strong manufacturing history. We need to help the next generation of kids and this generation of policy makers re-affirm the importance and opportunity of scientific inquiry, research, and innovation.”
“We thank the organizers of Milwaukee’s March for Science for helping to point out the importance of science in our everyday lives, in our work and in our Milwaukee community.”

The Green Team

“The pursuit of scientific knowledge is inextricably linked to human evolution.  As science advances, the quality of life of our species advances.  Supporting scientific endeavors and education ensures that the debate will never be over, that the advancement will continue, and that the quality of life for all human beings will continue to improve.  At The Green Team, we believe that you can have a lush, beautiful landscape and a clean, healthy ecosystem.  Science makes these seemingly disparate goals achievable.”

Rare Disease United Foundation

“Rare Disease United Foundation, Wisconsin Chapter, fully endorses both the March for Science on April 22, as well as the continuing efforts of Milwaukee Area Science Advocates. There are 30 million people living with a rare disease in the United States. Nearly half of those patients are children, of which a third will not live to age five. Approximately 80% of rare diseases are genetic in origin. However 95% do not have cures or treatments available. Medical science and genetic research are literally life and death for the rare disease community. Evidence based science and the funding of institutions must be preserved to ensure the survival of patients. We are proud to stand with Milwaukee’s scientific community to uphold the merits of science on both the day of the march and in the future.”

Discovery World

“Science doesn’t just happen in a lab or a classroom. You engaged in physics just by getting out of bed this morning; no matter what you ate, chemistry helped create your breakfast; and a walk along Milwaukee’s lakefront is a biology and botany lesson and a potential tutorial in freshwater science (especially if you dip your toes in Lake Michigan). When we march for science, we celebrate all of these things and more, and we celebrate the contributions today by men and women in science and those that will be made by boys and girls who have dreams, aspirations and potential to be the scientists and problem solvers of tomorrow. Discovery World stands and marches with Science today and always.”

Tony’s Creepy Crawly Zoo

“Science is life! Science is everything! As a science educator and entertainer of 20 years, my mission has always been: EXCITE! EDUCATE! INSPIRE! Taking fear and malice for the misunderstood and changing that to curiosity and respect. I sow the seeds of curiosity and wonder, the very foundation of science, in children. Insects are everywhere and affect everything. By introducing kids to entomology, it is an introduction to a science as accessible as their own backyards. A science that can be connected through questions to every other science you can think of. Entomology is the ultimate gateway science. Tony’s Creepy Crawly Zoo stands in full support with MASA and the March for Science, for today’s kids and tomorrow’s scientists.”

City of Milwaukee Health Department

“Policy is at its best when informed by quality research and data. The City of Milwaukee stands in support of the March for Science and all in the scientific community who promote and advocate for evidence-based programs and practices. I hope the next generation will continue to see promise in the work of STEM fields, and continue to drive the scientific discoveries, theories, and analysis that will shape our world.” – Commissioner of Health Bevan K. Baker

  1. More power to all local organizations who supported this event last year. I think this should be done annually for our Science and environment.


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